Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Posted by Unknown On 11:49
  The events of Loki’s attack on New York City has left Tony Stark a completely changed man. Now saddled with a severe case of insomnia and post traumatic stress disorder, Tony spends his sleepless nights the only way he knws how - coming up with new prototpes for the Iron Man uit. But now new evets require that Tony suit up again. A villainou mad man known only as the Mandain has staged a horrible attack on the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles, and is coing for Tony. An angry Tony wants to confrnt the Mandarin face to face, who proceesto stage an attack on Tony’s Malibu manion and leaves him with absolutely nothng - no Pepper, no toys except for a deunct Iron Man prototype called the MK42, nd he’s stranded in the middle ofTennesse. Tony believes theattack on the Chines Theater and an attack n a small town in Tennesse are elated. As he puts te pieces togeher and tries to gt the MK42 orking, he discovers ar more sinister orces at work greatr than the Mandrin himself. But how does an event fro Tony’s past fit in with the evnts of the present?


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